Olivia Shan
English Section Executive Editor
Olivia Shan is a McGill undergraduate student pursuing a double major in English Literature and History. She has been a part of the Imaginatlas team since 2019 and is beyond thrilled to help bring the publication to a wider audience. Inspired by Tolkien and Le Guin, she is interested in epic fantasy, historically-inclined works of SFF, and has a special fondness for stories involving doomed polar expeditions.
Catherine Hall
English Section Executive Editor
Catherine Hall (she/her) holds a Master’s in Fantasy Literature from the University of Glasgow. Her love of fantasy and science fiction began when she read Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings as a child. To this day, Tolkien remains her favourite author and she is particularly interested in his work and its connection to Old English literature.
Fred Azeredo
English Section Editor
Fred Azeredo (he/him) is a Brazilian writer and director based in Montreal. Beside his work for ImaginAtlas, his original works for stage and radio include the serial Sojourns at CKUT FM, People v. MacDougall at the McGill Drama Festival, The Electric Inferno at TNC Theatre, and Nirvana at Montreal Fringe After Dark. His latest play, Pindorama, was produced at the 2024 Montreal Fringe Festival by MBC Productions, an independent company which he co-founded with Alice Wu and Dana Prather. He has at last embraced his identity as ‘the comics guy’ at ImaginAtlas and writes the Issue of the Month column in that capacity.
Salma Galal
English Section Editor
Salma Galal is a second-year undergraduate student at McGill University, double majoring in Psychology and English Literature. She has been an avid writer since she was seven years old. She is particularly interested in the philosophy of time travel, and how intertextuality ties dramatically different works together. Her favorite stories include the majority of Edgar Allan Poe’s writing and Anthony Doerr’s Cloud Cuckoo Land.
Magdalena Nitchi
French Section Editor
Magdalena Nitchi has an MA in English literature, with specializations in diaspora and transnational studies and sexual diversity studies. She has written an undergraduate thesis on Canadian science fiction and is also interested in comics and print culture. Her love of all things strange and supernatural was cemented by Stephen King’s work, and he remains one of her favourite authors. She is interested in sci-fi, fantasy, and everything in between, and is a voracious reader in both English and French.
Mounia Tiendrebeogo Talgo
French Section Editor
Étudiante à l’UQAM, Mounia se passionne de littérature et d’animation depuis qu’elle est toute petite. Ses goûts pour les mangas et les animes l’ont amené à poursuivre un baccalauréat multidisciplinaire, dans lequel elle étudie présentement la langue et la culture japonaise.
Zoe Leousis
Social Media Editor
Zoe Leousis is a 2nd year at McGill pursuing an honours bachelor’s degree in Political Science with a minor in Art History, hoping to pursue a career in law. Her appreciation for science fiction and fantasy was cultivated by the works of Philip K. Dick and James Patterson.