L’équipe | The team

Editorial Board

Olivia Shan

English Section Executive Editor

Olivia Shan is a McGill undergraduate student pursuing a double major in English Literature and History. She has been a part of the Imaginatlas team since 2019 and is beyond thrilled to help bring the publication to a wider audience. Inspired by Tolkien and Le Guin, she is interested in epic fantasy, historically-inclined works of SFF, and has a special fondness for stories involving doomed polar expeditions.

Catherine Hall

English Section Executive Editor

Catherine Hall holds a Bachelor’s degree in English literature from McGill University and is now pursuing a Master’s in Fantasy Literature at the University of Glasgow. Her love of fantasy and science fiction began when she read Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings as a child. To this day, Tolkien remains her favourite author and she is particularly interested in his work and its connection to Old English literature.

Hannah Allen-Shim

English Section Editor

Hannah Allen-Shim is visiting McGill University from Oberlin College & Conservatory of Music, where she pursued a Bachelor of Music in Harp Performance and a Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature and French. She is an alumna of the Banff International Literary Translation Centre and has published translations in Anomaly, Pamenar Online Magazineellipse, and elsewhere. Her current projects include guest editing a collection of science fiction and fantasy stories by Québec writers in English translation.

Fred Azeredo

English Section Editor

Fred Azeredo is a Religious Studies student at McGill hailing from Brazil. He lives, breathes, and even occasionally legally purchases superhero comics. Besides his work for ImaginAtlas, including the “Reconsidering” and “Back Issues” series, his other writing credits include two seasons of Sojourns in Space at CKUT FM, People v. MacDougall at Players’ Theatre, and The Electric Inferno at TNC Theatre.

Katarina Dyck

English Section Editor

Katarina Dyck is an undergraduate at McGill University, pursuing a double major in English Literature and Russian Studies and a minor in World Cinemas. She loves reading and writing anything and everything related to historical, gothic, and high fantasy, especially when folklore and mythology are involved. When she’s not busy over-caffeinating herself or drowning in argumentative essays, you can probably find her rereading Alice in Wonderland or watching Once Upon A Time for the billionth time.

Magdalena Nitchi

French Section Editor

Magdalena Nitchi is pursuing an MA in English literature, with specializations in Diaspora studies and Queer studies. She has written an undergraduate thesis on Canadian science fiction and is also interested in comics and print culture. Her love of all things strange and supernatural was cemented by Stephen King’s work, and he remains one of her favourite authors. She is interested in sci-fi, fantasy, and everything in between, and is a voracious reader in both English and French.

Kai Ming Wang

French Section Editor

Étudiant en droit à l’Université de Montréal, Kai Ming Wang est un grand passionné de la culture japonaise, son intérêt pour la science-fiction et la fantasy se développant au fil des ans à travers les oeuvres des réalisateurs tels que Hayao Miyazaki et Makoto Shinkai. Fervent croyant que tous les médias peuvent être porteurs d’histoire, il est activement à la recherche de nouveaux mondes à découvrir, explorant avec fascination et acharnement les univers complexes de Hidetaka Miyazaki et de Hideo Kojima, pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns.

Tiendrebeogo Talgo Mounia

French Section Editor

Étudiante à l’UQAM, Mounia se passionne de littérature et d’animation depuis qu’elle est toute petite. Ses goûts pour les mangas et les animes l’ont amené à poursuivre un baccalauréat multidisciplinaire, dans lequel elle étudie présentement la langue et la culture japonaise.

Zoe Leousis

Social Media Editor

Zoe Leousis is a 2nd year at McGill pursuing an honours bachelor’s degree in Political Science with a minor in Art History, hoping to pursue a career in law. Her appreciation for science fiction and fantasy was cultivated by works of Philip K. Dick and James Patterson.