Règlements du concours de légendes artistiques :

  • Le concours est ouvert à tous nos abonné.e.s sur Instagram et Facebook. Il n’est pas nécessaire d’être abonné aux 2 plateformes.
  • Les entrées doivent être soumises dans les commentaires sur la photo en question.
  • Les images pour le concours sont publiées le premier jour du mois. Le concours ferme le dernier jour du mois, et la sélection du gagnant se fera dans la semaine qui suit.
  • Une personne peut laisser plusieurs commentaires et donc entrer le concours autant de fois que désiré, mais une seule entrée par personne peut être sélectionnée comme finaliste.
  • Les légendes sont acceptées en français et en anglais.
  • Veuillez noter que les règlements du concours sont sujet à changements sans préavis.
  • Ce concours n’est pas associé avec Facebook ou Instagram, et est organisé par ImaginAtlas.

Rules of the Arts Caption Contest:

  • The contest is open to all our Facebook and Instagram followers. It is not necessary to be following us on both platforms.
  • Entries must be submitted in the comments below the post.
  • A person can post as many comments as they wish, but only one of their comments will be retained as a finalist.
  • Captions are accepted in both French and English.
  • Please note that the rules may change without notice.
  • This contest is not associated with either Facebook or Instagram, and is organized by ImaginAtlas.

Art Caption Contest Rules:

  • The contest is open to all our Instagram and Facebook followers. You can follow on either platform, it is not necessary to follow both.
  • All entries must be submitted in the comments below the post of the image for the caption contest or through the Google Forms. No direct messages will be considered as entries.
  • Entries close at 12pm every Wednesday, 5 days after the contest is opened.
  • Winners will be announced every Thursday at 12pm, 24 hours after the contest is closed.
  • The new image for the caption contest will be published every Friday at 12pm, on both ImaginAtlas’ Facebook and Instagram accounts.
  • One person can leave multiple comments, but only one comment per person will be considered in the finalist captions.
  • Captions can be submitted in English or French.
  • The draw for the prize will be performed every 2 months, and the winners will be automatically entered every week when they win.
  • Please note that the rules may change at any moment due to unforeseen circumstances.

For any other questions, please message us directly!

This contest is not affiliated with either Instagram or Facebook, and is solely administered by ImaginAtlas.
